“In righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; And from terror, for it shall not come near you.”  (Isaiah 54:14)
Panic is not from God—panic is magnified fear, and there is no fear in God. 
The fear-base of panic comes from various sources—torments developed from an accumulation over time of every fear ever recorded in your character, occurring all at the same time! Satan is the real source of extreme, uncontrollable fear and torment. He is the culprit.  

For many people, the experience of being panicked to the point of losing control is real. Fear and terror produce chemical changes in the body, like physical sweating and a rapid heart rate—a sense of terror results when extreme fear of what cannot be controlled reaches the human brain. Science has identified the chemicals released and the imbalances produced. The experience can be devastating. 
The good news is that God designed the human mind to clear itself, to give thoughts about fearful expectations and terrifying experiences stored in the mind back to us, to be controlled by us. When that happens, our responses depend on what we believe about fear’s power to control us. Strengthened by the Lord, we deny fear’s domination and choose instead to believe that God’s love delivers us from every fear! 

The Lord does not condemn. His compassion extends to anyone suffering panic, whatever the cause! If you are fearful, allow His compassion to fill you. Cooperate with Him to receive deliverance for your whole spirit, soul, and body. 


Romans 10:17 | 2 Timothy 1:7 | Psalm 139:13-15 | Psalm 91 | Isaiah 54:14-15 | Verses@Once