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Kingdoms and thrones are in place; their daily administrations carried out by those who live under their government. These reins of power and societal dominance often belong to those who do not know God, often with no intention of ever knowing Him.

These are the power brokers among men, ultimately measured in light of Revelation 11:15: “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.”

Likewise, with God’s people a Kingdom and its throne preside over governments possessed by Him—the King eternal, unlimited rule. Its citizens recognize His power and receive an unmovable Kingdom; they are the intercessor-agents who establish the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven! 

God’s Kingdom power advances mankind and raises us to possibilities established by His Son; His death on the cross ensured a future greater than anything we could have dreamed. Our Lord does not advance Himself; rather, He advances mankind, those He first created in His own image, who now, in turn, exalt Him with worship and gratitude.

The power of God is not a shrine or image of someone now dead. His Kingdom is His Presence, alive in those who carry out His government on earth—the power brokers of a different society, unlimited in God’s love, eternally vast in its reach with perfect dignity for every man, every race.

His is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory. As power brokers of that Kingdom, that is precisely our prayer.


Revelation 11:15  | Matthew 6:9-15 | Verses@Once