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Religious tradition often questions God’s authority, replacing divine authority with human method and penalizing those wanting to know and obey the Lord. Generations, present and future, are affected by the error in such flawed dictates.
The Lord’s heart in the matter is clear, as should be our own: Anything that questions God’s authority to govern also rejects His will. Anything that rejects the will of God is a rejection of God and His Spirit, a rejection of divine direction and truth.
We are accountable before the Lord to base our lives upon truth and refuse every contrary claim, even if it means stepping away from established traditions of family, convenience, or more popular views. The Church is also accountable and will answer for every teacher and teaching that dims the light of truth or ridicules supernatural power and presence.
It’s time to stop backing up on your convictions in this matter. Don’t be double-minded. Take your stand.
Mark 7:13, AMP | Read in context Mark 7, AMP | Verses@Once