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Babies confined to institutional care are statistically at greater risk of suffering emotional rejection. Long term, when their critical need for affectionate touch and communication is delayed, children experiencing separation and isolation do not develop normally.

The principle of isolation is true for all of us, but the opposite experience occurs when we connect with people who complete us—people who encourage and build us up in ways that contribute to our overall well-being. As we grow, nothing compares to the vital connections that God plans for our lives—family and friends, also mentors and advisers.   

Visionaries especially realize the value of connected, shared vision, knowing the Lord ordains connections to bring like-minded strengths together. In contrast to going it alone, God’s idea most often is “two or more.”

Biblically, we know that Jesus’s disciples were sent by two’s, that the Lord places the solitary person in family, and Bible covenants like the one between Jonathan and David join the individual to others for divine purposes. God’s plan includes vital relationships—for protection as well as social fulfillment.

We submit our strengths to the Lord, and He joins us with others for multiplied strength. He connects prayers to produce divine appointments, strategies, and timings. He guards relationships against anything outside of His plan for us.

Ask the Lord for righteous covenants, those that build and strengthen you to accomplish the dream God placed in your heart.  


Mark 6:7 | Psalm 68:6 | 2 Samuel 20:16-17 | Verses@Once