There is solid scriptural support for you to endure. You’ll need that foundation because… some things you just have to go through. And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good. The one who endures to the end will be saved.
As you endure, remember that evil’s railing against you does have strength; but it cannot endure. Evil’s power has an end. Evil cannot endure, but you will! The believer has strength to endure to the end. Stay with it! When you feel like you’re just barely holding on, you are actually enduring! Your conviction and commitment fuel your endurance.
Also, guard against things that counter and block your confidence of faith to endure. Anger interrupts endurance so don’t allow anger to penetrate your heart. Mischief, too, interrupts endurance. Plotting to get even or hoping the worst for your oppressor breaks down your strength to endure. The one who plots, entraps, or consciously works evil will fail.
To endure, sync your heartbeat with the Lord’s. Like the rhythm of thousands in a sports stadium chanting the same words in unison, or the cadence of a beating drum, join your heart with His heart—focused, intentional. Find the Lord’s heartbeat and sync with it.
His heart becomes your heart, “As He is, so also are we in this world.”
Romans 8:28, ESV | Matthew 24:13, ESV | Galatians 6:9, ESV | 1 John 4:17, ESV | Verses@Once