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God created us speaking spirits. We have a soul and live in a body. We are triune beings who live by faith in His leading. He speaks to the spirit of man—the heart—to guide the soul, and the soul—the mind, will, and emotions—guides the body. We are born again by the Spirit and are changed . . . faith to faith, strength to strength, and glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord!

Never allow mistakes from the past to be the foundation for your future. Refuse to build even one day on an injustice done to you or on mental comparisons that dwarf or humiliate you—those things do not define you. Concentrating on wrong paths from the past opens a mental door, side-tracking you again and again.

Instead, continue going forward, choose God’s will for your life as the one single definition that you consider. You are God’s creation, and He loves you unconditionally, and works behind the scenes, often when least expected, to get us back on track and keep us there.

Build upon the strengths you do have. Write the vision. Make it plain. Implement the written vision. One step at a time.


1 Thessalonians 5:23, KJV | Habakkuk 2:2, AMPRomans 1:17, KJV | 2 Corinthians 3:18, KJV | Verses@Once