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Stewardship of anything—life, money, possessions, home, or community—reflects an understanding of personal responsibility to cooperate with the Lord’s plan, with His lordship. We see the way some people steward what they have and wonder how they get away with it. And to be honest, since all that we are and everything we have is given by God, we should also admit that observers of our own stewardship could question how we justify what clearly appears to be the squandering of our gifts.  

The physical body, for example, is a gift from God. Anyone refusing to make healthy food choices or reduce portion size or refusing to feed oxygen and nutrients to the body through the discipline of exercise obviously believes negligence is okay. So, again, if we’re honest, from a stewardship perspective, it is easy to see that often people find themselves are in the condition they are in because it is what they’ve chosen. The human body can only take so much abuse. God is not the cause of resulting crises; failed stewardship is.


Psalm 100:2-3, KJV | Psalm 139:13-15, KJV | Verses@Once