Teach your children to tithe a tenth of everything received into their hands—then given back to the Lord from their hands. It’s the way you train children to put God first. As they learn this truth, they prove the principle, “as the twig is bent so grows the tree.” 
It is important to teach our children to recognize money as only one way they place value. Show them how to tithe the first part—the best part—and teach them how to pray as they tithe so they’ll understand bringing the tithe to the Lord is not a bill you pay but rather, a matter of the heart—and gratitude.
Teach them to put God first: “You shall have no other gods before Me.” Children come into the world with a calling. See to it that you discern that calling and sacrifice when necessary to develop it, realizing the world system will also call them, though not in the God-sense. 
The Lord’s plan is to send your children into the world as the head, not the tail, but the world system will attempt to use them for someone else’s gain. Teach them early. By age five, affections are focused.
The boy David killed a lion and a bear, and as a result, developed an inner knowing of who he was in God and what he could therefore accomplish. That knowing convinced David he would prevail over Goliath—he never doubted it. The same can be true for your children. Be sure they learn early, so they will not be persuaded later that God’s Word is not true or that He will not do what His Word says He will do.
Declare Isaiah 61:7-9 over them. Pray for them every day. 


Exodus 20:3 | Deuteronomy 5:7 | Isaiah 61:7-9  | Verses@Once