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Everything is speeding up. The pace affects our ability to judge accurately, so it is important to connect with truth in every way possible. Decisions and choices that demonstrate a faith-centered, biblical worldview are a vital impetus to move things forward along lines placed by God—from average to something higher, from blind dullness to the real thing.

The real thing: Christian men and women will sacrifice everything today for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Even if their Christian faith, culture, and demographic group suffer persecution for their actions. Despite hard conditions of life like severe poverty, for those under persecution, poverty is not the main challenge—minute-to-minute survival is.

And so the rest of us—everyone not in a constant life and death struggle—should seize every opportunity to enlarge truth. Choose the Lord’s portion today. Prioritize His concern for believers and also for those who don’t yet know Him. We are their voice. We are the multiplied voices that speak for lives presently on the line.

Does the price others pay move us? Does it stir passion to pray? Do we stand up? Do we speak up? Do those who are born-again leverage their voice to the real thing?

Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, come!


Jeremiah 51:15-19, The Message Bible