The person who is righteous and also is rich in possessions is described in Psalm 112:1-5:

  • The righteous rich are blessed. A righteous person who owns wealth and possessions fears the Lord and delights greatly in His Word. 
  • Their descendants are mighty in their generation—they too, are blessed.  
  • Wealth and riches are in their house. Their righteousness endures. 
  • Light arises in the darkness for the righteous rich; this person is gracious and full of compassion. 
  • They deal graciously and lend. They guide their affairs with discretion. 

The righteous person who is a possessor of wealth makes this confession:

I am blessed, and I fear the Lord; I delight greatly in His Word. 
My descendants are mighty in their generation and are blessed.
Wealth and riches are in my house and my righteousness endures. 
Light arises in the darkness for me; I am gracious, full of compassion, and righteous. 
I deal graciously and lend and guide my affairs with discretion. 
As a possessor of wealth, I choose my Lord’s leading to guide and direct me—I am His grateful representative.  
Psalm 112:1-5