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Watch what people offer someone in trouble. Some offer material solutions since for, them personally, material things are where they turn for relief. Some are instantly critical, identifying blame and cause-effect specifics because they, under pressure, self-condemn, even reverting to wrong behaviors or addictive substances for relief.

Still others point out something from the past to explain the current trouble, responding with excuses cherry-picked from their own experiences, rehearsing in minute detail specific losses and wrongs suffered. 

These and similar responses fall short when we can instead look to God’s Word, the only source of effective help for any trouble. So why is the Word not given? Because many do not have it to give—they are unfamiliar with and have little experience in God’s Word and are therefore ignorant. Unless Scripture is stored in my heart and applied to my life personally, how can I and why would I offer it to others?
You cannot give something you do not have.


John 17:17 | John 8:10-12 | Luke 6:44-46 | Verses@Once