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We invest multiplied years of our lives—in relationships or career, in philosophies, movements, or doctrine—to later realize those investments claimed precious time we can never reclaim. All those minutes, days, and weeks, often for something that wasn’t even God’s plan. Then there is the aha! moment that reveals the mistake, and we seek the Lord for a fix to heal related stresses and emotional trauma and deliver us from the mess we’ve created.
At a critical point like this, make time your investment. You’ll need time to undo some things and regroup. Allow the Lord's discipline to work salvation for you and others affected by your decisions because otherwise, the heart that initially invested in the wrong thing will do it again, probably sooner than you’d ever imagine. The flesh side is predictably like that, and the soul side is remarkably cooperative! 

Not so the spirit! Inspired by God’s Spirit, the human spirit is a divine spotlight, searching inner depths of the heart, revealing the root causes of wrong choices and motives for why we do what we do. By His Spirit, the Lord searches. 

So use this time of waiting wisely—invest it. Feed your spirit. Wait for the Lord! He is beside and behind you. If you wait, you will find Him just ahead of you. Your mistake before was failing to stay with the Lord and instead took the lead and did not believe Him. You trusted in your own strength and spent your reserves but didn’t achieve the hoped-for result.    

Another thing while waiting... be real. If you merely refinance the mistake, you're still stuck,  so don’t reach for your wallet, practically or spiritually. Don’t refinance. Re-invest! Stop laboring to receive His will from the world and learn to receive everything from the Kingdom. His is the Kingdom. He has gone ahead of you to secure everything you’ll need. Receive it.  

Best of all, the Kingdom of God is not shaking. The Kingdom is steady. Invest there. 


Proverbs 20:27 | 2Peter 3:9 | Psalm 16:8-11 | 1 Chronicles 29:11-13 | Hebrews 12:28, MSG | Verses@Once