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Standards of Bible truth are muddied when for convenience’s sake, we choose surface truth only. When this happens, a distinction is made: The Lord doesn’t conform to our preferences or whim; rather, He calls us to conform to His standard, to represent Him correctly and draw from His Word.

Foolishness is associated with the un-teachable person. Their words reveal ignorance. Without ears to hear, they do not—cannot—understand. Unfortunately, they are the very ones who may not even read the Bible. Knowledge for them consists of select verses emboldened by documentary-style theology and philosophical thought.

False information represented as true, again and again, produces belief in those things. Add to repeated misinformation an absence of relationship with God, and the result is offense—offended for truth’s sake, truth according to God’s Word, as it truly is. 

Jesus understood that miracles, like blind eyes receiving sight, sick and disabled bodies being made whole, and the dead being raised back to life would offend earth-bound hearts; He knew any congregation distanced from the Lord to the point of unbelief would attack any message greater than their experience.


Matthew 11: 4-6, 12-15 | Matthew 10:26-27 | Verses@Once