By now, you have launched the new year and as with any new beginning, you believe this will be the best—more success, stronger family, greater spiritually, more answered prayer. So, don’t forget the catalyst to stay on track with the Lord in those areas is keeping a daily journal.
Effective discipleship includes writing down the things that matter most. Writing is a form of confession—anything you take time to write is more consistent with what you really believe than are thoughts spoken casually or carelessly or musings that take shape in the privacy of your thought life. Once written, your words can be judged by you as you read—conviction in favor of or opposition to what you’ve written.
Writing adds perspective and is, therefore, a powerful, clarifying tool to preserve words and experiences gleaned from the Lord’s presence. That is important because you will need those revelations in the days ahead!
Habakkuk 2:2 | Jeremiah 30:1-2 | Psalm 45:1