Each person is uniquely gifted by God to create, both for personal benefit and to build the Kingdom of God… here on earth, as it is in heaven! The resulting possibility is unique: philosophies, religions, and belief systems abound, but none compare to the God-given individual worth—Christ in you, the hope of glory! 

Opponents of the gospel struggle with the notion of a supernatural endowment, of a divinely gifted platform for greatness. For them, life’s container is something for which they take full credit, rather than understanding it is the Lord’s gift to them, ready and waiting for them to receive. 

Every person is gifted by God. Not just some, and not just educated or affluent or positioned ones. Not just one or two or some. Each one is God-inspired, wonderfully made, and filled with redemptive potential; every human being is prophetically qualified and destined for excellence based on their very own DNA of personal, unique gifts from God the Creator.

Amen—that’s good!

Matthew 28:18-20 | Colossians 1:27 | Colossians 1:9-14 | Verses@Once