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Jesus grew as a child, increasing in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. Like Him, we are created for life with God’s design… until we all come unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

Character is determined by choices we make and is especially important to Christians, for whom everything begins with the individual and grows to the gathered-group level, ultimately impacting culture with the combination of both—a wealth of good things populated by greatness.

A Christian worldview embraces biblical standards reflected in individual God-callings that absorb cultural shifts with grace and confident faith and carry an end-time message of visionary influence, evidenced in the character of believers.

Stature is character, one way we carry God’s mark… loaded with potential for His plan, audacious in believing all things are possible with God and nothing shall be impossible where He is Lord.


Luke 2:52 | Ephesians 4 (especially verses 11 & 13) | Verses@Once