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Twelve spies were sent to gather intelligence about the Promised Land—the land promised by God to Israel. Two of the twelve returned with a positive report: the land is prime for the taking! But ten of the twelve, intimidated by their perception of insurmountable strength in those occupying the land, said no—the land God promised is too difficult to take. 

The majority’s counsel stopped the mission; possession of a divine inheritance, promised by God to Moses and the Hebrews in his charge, stopped short! Years of futility followed until unbelief found its wilderness grave in a forty-year purging of nation and generation that opened the way to begin again… in the spirit of the two!

Similarly, those who see with the Lord’s perspective are not intimidated by obstacles to His revealed plan. They are confident. With a steady hand and inspired ability, they move forward for the Kingdom’s sake.  

You are like them—you have the spirit of the two!

  •  You refuse fear of man since the Lord is your shield—surrounding above and beneath, 
  •  You declare: “Every accusation against me has lost heart! Accusations have been drained away and have lost all strength! Accusation has failed in its contempt against me, and accusing words lie impotent and powerless, unable to condemn me—ever!” 
  •  Spiritually, you see prophetically that you are eternally delivered into the future the Lord has chosen and given to you—yours for the taking.   

Amen, so be it!

Numbers 13:26-33 | Numbers 14, esp. vs. 6-10 | Verses@Once