“I will gather the armies of the world into the valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will judge them for harming my people, my special possession, for scattering my people among the nations, and for dividing up my land.”  (Joel 3:2, NLT)

Land ownership and the authority and responsibility for the stewardship of land belong to God, and He gives both to men and women who respect His stewardship plan and honor His ownership completely. An unfortunate twist on this truth can be seen in philosophies that promote worship of the earth and its many God-given resources. Don’t be misled. Creation worship is pagan—not Christian. Planet Earth is not our mother and did not give us life. All life begins with God. A mother’s womb is where we began—also God’s idea, a gift from Him. 
Also unfortunate is the disregard by some for God’s right to dictate the boundaries of His land. For example, and to be specific, the land of Israel belongs to the Lord Himself. The consequences of violating God’s ownership of the land and its borders are serious, much like stealing from God. A violation of God-given land borders like the borders of ancient Israel risks the loss of God’s blessing, and a close look at nations and individuals who do so reveals evidence of that loss… increasingly. 

Israel as a people and the land of Israel itself belong to God—in Bible terms, they are His special possession. It is why as Christians, we bless and defend the right of the Jewish State of Israel to her God-given land borders and why we bless and defend the peace of Jerusalem and those who God calls to be His stewards of that city, God’s ancient people, the Jews.   
Joel 3:2, NLT | Psalm 122 | Genesis 15:18, NLT | Psalm 24:1-10, NLV | Verses@Once