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“For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.”  (Genesis 18:19, KJV)

The patriarch Abraham and his wife Sarah laughed when the angel told them they would conceive a child. They laughed at the impossibility of God’s divine possibility. They did it silently—in their hearts. God knew. 

God asked, “Why did you laugh?”

Sarah replied, “I did not laugh.”

God answered, “But you did laugh.”

The Lord knew Abraham’s missteps. He knew the details, but as is always the way with God’s plan for you and me, He does not change His mind despite our failure but remains faithful to his promises. Though Abraham veered off course more than once, still the Lord said of him, I know him.

The Lord’s relationship with Abraham grew stronger, based on the virtue of His Word. Destiny and divine planning continued despite Abraham’s failure. By faith, God spoke concerning His plan for that man.

By faith, the Lord speaks today concerning His eternal plan for you. The word of the Lord is forever settled. 


Psalm 119:89-90, AMP | Genesis 17:17Genesis 18:13-15 | Verses@Once