“The eternal God is your refuge, 
And underneath are the everlasting arms.”  
(Deuteronomy 33:27)

Many times, those who are most right are unjustly accused of wrong; worse still are cases where individuals deeply established in truth are diminished or presumed unstable, or, in other words, out of their mind. 
For them, time is an instrument of exposure and though seemingly time is not on their side, in fact, it is! To say their resolve will break before time allows truth to be uncovered underestimates God’s power at work in them, on the side of those who favor a righteous cause. Believers with strength of resolve stand the test of time and emerge vindicated. 

You or someone you care about may appear near defeat—down. In truth, however, the Lord is underneath you, lifting you up. The Lord’s love and majestic power are lifting you… up! Not down, not out. In the end, you will emerge free, stable, standing upright, and in your right mind. 

The Spirit of God is a revealer. 
Deuteronomy 33:27