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“Where Jesus has entered in for us [in advance], a Forerunner having become a High Priest forever after the order (with the rank) of Melchizedek”  (Hebrews 6:20, AMP)
Some individuals go ahead of the rest, their lives opening up a path that leads the way for others to pursue the Kingdom. We honor these mentors as forerunners of our future. We have prospered standing on their shoulders.
Humanly speaking, those who demonstrate personal effort and achievement seem to stand out more than the ones doing critical groundwork to pave the way. We typically notice obvious achievements more than those behind the scenes, doing the spiritual heavy lifting.
A spiritual approach is different. Anyone who is spiritually mature realizes we are blessed to step into much for which we personally have paid little. A forerunner paid the greater price, investing in rigors we may never know. The true estimation of how far we’ve come includes their sacrifice to get us there! 
Go back to where the forerunner’s mark established and launched you; go back to the genesis of your journey with the Lord. Identify those who opened the way. Thank God for them. Pray for them. Rehearse their counsel, imitate their courage, and then do the same for those who have begun to follow you.

Hebrews 6:20, AMP